Friday, January 22, 2010

The Public Duty Doctrine.68: State of Emergency 2

July 1 & 2 of 2009, I posted on this blog a 1991 letter that I had sent to then North Carolina Governor James Martin, along with the Governor's response. Actually, the State Attorney General's Office responded on behalf of the Governor.

The Governor's response then to my request amounted to obstruction of justice. It still does.

Generally, state governor's declare states of emergencies, and then petition the federal government for assistance. However, the President of the United States can also declare a national/state of emergency as well.

Consider this (and by the way, have fun trying to research this issue with any kind of clarity): Did you catch the words "... alert citizens to alter their normal behaviors ..." in the first sentence? Did you read the part that the President can initiate a state of emergency on his own?

As stated in the title of this piece, I'm going to prepare and send a very similar letter, as I did in 1991, and direct it to President Obama. And I will get a letter back, I'm sure, from the U.S. Attorney's Office stating pretty much the same response as I got before. Obstruction of Justice II.

You see, I need to go on the record, make it official. And when I get Obama's response back, if any, I will post it here.... for you to see...with your own eyes.

Alive from Wanesville, David McMillan

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