Tuesday, June 29, 2010

PDD.125: McDonald vs. City of Chicago

2nd Amendment case handed down by the U.S. Supreme Court yesterday, concerning whether or not individuals have a right to purchase and possess guns. The Court ruled in favor of an individual's right to do so. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/McDonald_v._Chicago

Let's see. I haven't read the case yet, but I would probably bet on the fact that the Court made no mention, nor did any of the friends-of-the-court briefs, mention anything about the Public Duty Doctrine.

It's so simple. We have a right to bear arms because the police have no legal duty to protect and cannot be held liable for failing to do so. A moron could figure this out. However, the Court and the stooges that appear before it refuse to disclose this most basic of understandings.

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