Monday, December 7, 2009

PDD.37: A Journalistic Trend?

The New York Times' Business Section, Friday, December 4, 2009, page B4, an article written by Richard Perez-Pena, entitled: Some Dallas Editors Will Report to Ad Sales.

First paragraph reads, "Some editors at The Dallas Morning News have started reporting directly to executives outside the newsroom who oversee advertising sales, under a restructuring that overturns longstanding traditions in American newspapers aimed at shielding news judgments from business concerns."

Citizen participation in the affairs of state relies on being informed. The Fourth Estate ( journalists as a whole) work 24-7 keeping an eye on government and corporate America, which are inherently secretive organizations. Obtaining the truth takes some doing. Americans need a free press to keep these two honest.

Journalism, as a whole, has done a miserable job in disclosing The Public Duty Doctrine. Inspite of that, we, the people, still need the free press -- free from the corrupting influences of corporate America. The price of freedom is, and always will be, eternal vigilance.

Keep an eye out for other newspapers doing the same. In the end, if this trend keeps up, we may be thanking our lucky stars for bloggers.

View NY Times article below:,%202009%20Dallas%20News&st=cse

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