Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Public Duty Doctrine.27: (100 : 1.5)

I've got a couple of hundred more pages to read in Derrick Jensen's Volume 2 of Endgame: Resistance (2006). I wish to share the following from pages 734 and 735. Quoting:

Study after study has shown that nearly all crimes go unpunished. Jessica Mitford, in her book The American Prison Business, writes, "The President's Commission on Causes and Prevention of Violence says that for an estimated nine million crimes commited in the United States in a recent year [this was forty years ago, but the statistics still generally hold], only 1 percent of the perpetrators were imprisoned. Carl Rauh, advisor to the deputy attorney general of Washington, D.C., describes the process: 'Of 100 major crimes {felonies}, 50 are reported to the police. For fifty incidents reported, 12 people are arrested. Of the 12 arrested, 6 are convicted of anything -- not necessarily of the offense reported. Of the 6 who are convicted, 1.5 go to prison or jail."

Given the above, that 1.5 felons out of 100 will go to prison or jail, how important is it that people understand The Public Duty Doctrine, that government and its agents have no legal duty to protect; they cannot be held liable for failure to protect because there was no legal duty to protect in the first place ????

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