Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The Public Duty Doctrine.28: Reckless Cowboys

Looking at the big picture, our economy has been ransacked by reckless cowboys. However, yesterday I saw the same behavior from a truck driver in little ole Waynesville.

I'm in my truck, stopped at a stop light. There's a car in front of me. Railroad tracks are running parallel to my truck, passenger side. On the opposite side of the tracks, there's a tractor-trailer truck, facing me.

The lights and bells go off. A train is coming.

The truck driver pulls out, making a right turn. As the tractor crosses the tracks, he guns it. The junction arms come down and just miss touching his trailer. If he had stalled on the tracks, it wouldn't have been a pretty picture, to himself or anyone around, including myself.

I notified the Waynesville Police, gave "her" the tag number and the name of the company. The police person said, "He's probably out of the county by now." It was a casual, indifferent response. I told her that I was calling the company this driver worked for and make a complaint. She couldn't have cared less.

The police, Osha, EEOC, on and on and on, generally don't do anything unless there's a dead body or at least three in the hospital.

I called the company and reported their driver. I called again today and told the manager I'd be following up the end of the week.

Apparently, each of us must get involved locally and nationally to keep these reckless cowboys in line. If we don't, we're doomed. Cutting corners, like dodging an oncoming train, is unacceptable.

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