Monday, March 15, 2010

The Public Duty Doctrine.80: Plot Thickens

Follow this line of reasoning:

1. Republicans/conservatives want deregulation in the marketplace, the very same deregulation that has brought this country to its knees, the greatest recession since the Depression.

2. Republicans want to pass a Balance Budget Amendment to the Constitution, which would tie the hands of President Obama in correcting the economy.

3. There is a theory, coming out of the University of Chicago, which states that regulators (ie, SEC) do not protect the public as much as they protect the ones they're regulating; it's called Capture of Regulation.

4. Then, of course, we have The Public Duty Doctrine, which states that law enforcement has no legal duty to protect; they cannot be held liable for failing to protect because there was no legal duty to protect in the first place.

5. In 2003, in the case of Akre vs. Fox News, a Florida Appeals court ruled that the news media (a corporation) can lie to the public. The FCC does not offer any protection to the public from media lies.

Jane wrote this piece on Public And Liane Costen's update of that piece included this: "Can corporations have the power to influence the media reporting even at the expense of truth? Apparently so."

6. And, finally, January, 2010, the Supreme Court of the United States, in the case of Citizens United vs. Federal Election Commission No. 08-205, ruled that a corporation is an individual, and, therefore, should be entitled to contribute to political campaigns and advertise for particular candidates.

Bottomline: The big picture for white collar, blue collar, and no collar is that we have to come together and protect our interests, as a whole, as one people, against those who are motivated solely by money and power. Money and power has no roots, does not pledge allegiance, does not send sons and daughters into harm's way, does not bury the dead.

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