Tuesday, October 6, 2009

PDD.17: McDonald vs. Chicago

The United States Supreme Court, on August 30, 2009, announced that it will hear the above case, involving whether the 2nd Amendment grants average U.S. citizens the right to purchase and possess firearms. The District of Columbia's right has been extended to citizens (District of Columbia vs. Heller), but the rest of the country's ability hangs in the balance.

The case should be heard before the Court in early 2010.

The Cato Institute is involved again, supporting the right to own and bear arms. I support the right. However, Cato clings solely to the Second Amendment supporting gun rights. I will be watching very close to see if Cato tells the truth, in their friends-of-the-court brief, in mentioning the Public Duty Doctrine, if they mention it at all. So far they haven't.

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