Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The Public Duty Doctrine.21: Women

As I've said before, in early blogs, the history of civilization is all about slavery and cheap labor. In fact, slavery and cheap labor started with subordinating women. Can you relate? American industry is leaving our shores to exploit women in other lands. The remaining service jobs are unsustainable. Corporate America is seeking to find out how little you'll work for, and under what conditions.

I was blessed with six daughters. I care about their futures. Therefore, harping about The Public Duty Doctrine, as I have been, is mainly geared to the needs of the fairer sex.

As it stands right now, American women, when abused, beaten, or threatened, either at home or work, rely on two fallbacks: restraining orders and calling 9-1-1. These two are merely mind games, impostors, which create a false sense of security. Relying on these puts you at great risk, possibly lethal. Remember: restraining orders and 9-1-1 responses are not implied promises to protect. So, if law enforcement or governmental agencies, such as OSHA, fail to protect, and you are hurt or killed on the job, hurt or killed waiting for the police to show up, you or your family can't sue for failing to protect, because there was no legal duty to protect in the first place.

Bottomline: You girls need to find other ways of protecting yourselves beyond restraining orders and calling 9-1-1.

I have a deep respect for Mothers Against Drunk Drivers. They're fearless. Or, at least, they were. They changed the face of America. Sometimes I wish they'd expand their role outward. For years Wall Street and corporate America have been driving recklessly drunk. They crashed our economy. Lives lost. Retirements lost. Trust in the system lost. What if.... Mothers Against Drunk drivers unleashed against a system drunk or asleep at the wheel?

And, by the way, it wouldn't be a bad idea to learn how to use a gun.

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