Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The Public Duty Doctrine.23: Fear

Disclosure of The Public Duty Doctrine is frightening for some. They fear that society will breakdown, so, it is better that society remain in a state of ignorance: Ignorance Is Bliss. I disagree. I believe initially it will provoke widespread debate, arguments, some will be hurt, yes, and allegations that my behavior -- disclosing this law -- was irresponsible, reckless. These people are shortsighted. They are not thinking down the road. They see a tree. I see a forest.

I am midway through Derrick Jensen's book, "Endgame Vol. II, Resistance." On page 660, Jensen states: "What was a primary reason my mother stayed so long with my father? The fear of short term loss outweighed the prospect of long term gain. Why does anyone stay in any abusive relationship? Chances are good it comes down to a fear of the short term loss being greater than the perceived possibility of long term gain. Why do people stay in any self-destructive relationships? Why do people stay at jobs they hate? Why do addicts stay addicted?... Short term loss, long term gain."

Our system must be very fragile in the eyes of those in charge (I thought we were in charge). The powers-at-be are not willing to disclose this law to the public at large because they fear the system will break down, chaos. Yet, this law is real; it is buried in case law, not statutes; it is buried in administrative memoranda in your local police department and district attorney's offices. The individual (victim) usually finds out about it too late, after the damage has been done. I can testify to this fact from personal experience.

There is a long-term gain to disclosure: Societal Maturity.

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