Friday, October 16, 2009

The Public Duty Doctrine.19: Propaganda

Often the truth can only be found in what is not said. The silence screams to me.

I've got an axe to grind with a particular writer and two television producers.

First, John Grisham. I need not outline his accomplishments.

Second, Jerry Bruckheimer, television producer of such shows as CSI:Miami, CSI: NY, and Cold Case.

Third, Dick Wolf, television producer of such shows as Law & Order: SVU and Criminal Intent.

All three never mention The Public Duty Doctrine in their programming. How can that be? This, the most fundamental relationship that citizens have with their government, be it federal, state, or local.

Consider this:

"Government and its agents are under no general duty to provide public services, such as police protection to any particular citizen, but, rather duty to provide public services is owed to the public at large, and, absent special relationship between police and individual, no specific legal duty exists."

Warren v. District of Columbia 44A. 2d 1 (DC Appeals) 1981

I passed a sheriff's patrol car today with the words, "Protect and Serve" printed on the side. Do you think that over time people could get the wrong impression as to what is owed them by law enforcement, considering the above?

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